Sunday, November 13, 2005

paper on womens shape and hollywood

My entire life I have been surrounded by women of the curvaceous decent. I am not related to any model thin women. Watching TV as a child I began to understand that curvy women are not really people who can make it onto the big screen or even onto the little one. When you are young and you notice people shunning the sort of person you are doomed to become you start to notice the treatment of curvaceous women in every aspect of life. Supposedly in Hollywood curvy women are appreciated and thought of as strong, but it doesn't make sense that the people saying this, especially the women who say this, still tend to be annorexicly thin and excersize-aholics.
While watching MTV and awards shows where the hosts critique the women and how they look you notice lately that full figured women tend to be put on a pedestal for being strong and independent but it tends to translate more into that they are brave to be seen looking like that . If these women are so wonderful and powerful then why are more and more actresses starting to look like Paris Hilton's shadow. Girls like Lindsey Lohan and Nichole Richie are losing weight faster than anyone should naturally. They all turn out looking like sickly skeletons and once more the standards in fashion magazines drop a size and more girls develop image disorders.
In the grocery stores there are tabloids depicting these shadows with headlines asking when is thin too thin. The public reads these papers and looks at these stars while frowning and commenting on the fact that you would think they would be rich enough to afford some food, but then again they are also rich enough to have the food sucked right back out. Then the public does not care anymore because the thought of being that rich helps get their attention back to envying the stars. Stars are existent almost to only be envied in every way, they are who they are so that the majority of the population thinks that they are who they are supposed to be like. If an image is being sold to women all over the country then shouldn't it be how every woman should look? Unfortunately most women see things this way and have no idea they are trying to make themselves look like the women with unattainable looks, and they entirely leave out the fact that these women are not necessarily as beautiful as we would like to believe they are.
Women like Liv Tyler and Queen Latifah are strong beautiful women. The one problem is that when people look at them they see a statement. Queen Latifah is very proud of her image and wants other full figured women to use her as a role model and be happy with themselves, but people still look at her and think large. The public smiles and says, “ What a pretty face , shame about her waistline.” but still manages to avoid using the word fat like one avoids naming other ethnicities, to be polite.

“ The don't talk about it and don't acknowledge it.
No one will use the word fat in front of you. They use
circumlocution , like zoftig or heavy, or say that you have
a pretty face.” (15, Millman)

In magazines such as Teen, Seventeen, and YM are aimed at girls ages 14 to 19 and are full of girls modeling the latest fashions. These magazines started bragging that they were using “real girls” in their photo shoots to model their clothes. Girls wrote in asking where the “real girls” were because they were not any where to be found. The average weight for an adult woman in the United States is 162.9 lbs (, and most of these girls in the magazines can barely pass for 110. The main problem with this is that fashion magazines aimed at teens are very influential in how young women view themselves. Girls use these magazines as standards, and most of these standards are entirely unreasonable. Looking through the November 2005 issue of Teen People I managed to find only one section even featuring a curvaceous model, this article featured three different fashions and only 3 out of the 12 girls were classified as “ curvy”. Magazines and advertisements are not new when it comes to this kind of effect, in the 1950's an advertisements to keep women feminine stated “If I have only one life, let me live it a blond,” caused quite an effect on women of the time.

“And across America, three out of every ten women
dyed their hair blond. They ate a chalk called Metrecal,
instead of food, to shrink to the size of the thin young models.
Department-store buyers reported that American women, since
1939, had become three and four sizes smaller. “Women
are out to fit the clothes instead of vice-versa,” one buyer said.”
(17, Friedan)

Some people blame Barbie. Barbie is 12 inches and to even imagine being proportional to her would require you to be at least 7 feet tall. But I grew up with multiple Barbies, just about every girl in my age group did, and I'm pretty sure it was not the only factor in the image issues girls have today but it might have aided it.
Why is Hollywood so backwards when it comes to reality, shouldn't it just be reality magnified instead of just backwards and distorted? How can these girls survive being as thin as they are, is someone behind them holding their marionette strings, making them dance?
Being a teenager during the time when eating disorders are being publicized I have faced a few complexes. I have come across people who were anorexic and proud, whole groups of people who post pictures of them selves in skeletal form. The website contains tips and motivation for girls who are “pro-ana”, anorexic and not looking to stop. I could never understand these girls, who wants to look like a skeleton, what is sexy about a pile of bones with no breasts or hips? Who really wants to look like that? After asking myself these questions I turn to images of models who look like something stolen from a grave. These are our role models. This is what impressionable youth and naive public think that we are supposed to obtain to maintain happiness and success.
Like anorexia is caused by wanting to be these skeletal women over eating is aided in the desire to be desired. Some girls look through these magazines and photos only to feel like it is and impossible goal to be even near thin and begin to eat. Over eating is not healthy at all and only causes unhappiness. Having society push these sort of stereotypes on the women of America is only making the gap wider for what is thin and what is obscene.
There are women out there who should be appreciated for the size they are and the attitude they maintain. There are curvy women who are strong and beautiful role models for our youth, but for the most part the entertainment industry is placing an unneeded pressure on the women of America to be unnecessarily thin. Women were created to bear children and be strong , beautiful, and sexy, why can't Hollywood remember this and recreate it?

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