Friday, January 13, 2006

humble bees

i drempt about splinters last night
i wasdoing somethign with m hands andi kept haveing to pull little shards of wood out of my finger tips

myspace is down alot latly

michael drinks to much juice
and eats his lunch for breakfast

so michael while were on that topic
when did michael become the biggest ass hole on earth? hes foudn a way to make my life hell every day ive been home , and continues to do so . today is moms birthday and i m goign to be cooking all day so as he walks out of the door "have fun doing nothing "
does he not ocmprehend that i am on break ... that this is my vaation and i spent the whole time cleaning thier fuckign house?
hes likeing to flaunt his grades and talk about how hes going to have his liscence before me and how hes going to get moms car

first off mom said shes not giving her lincoln to ANYONE
so he can shove it

i dont feel so hot this mornig i had a foot long meatball sub
and apparently it never digested....


well im off


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