Monday, May 09, 2005

just so you know the only reason im alive is a certain person and a few little things , but that doesnt mean i didnt appreciate you

everythgin you do is a choice. every move you make every thought you think affects you . the people around you affect you . no one is as alone as they feel . the world is based upon rules and taboos and one can appreciate them to the fullest until they fuck it all up.

she still doesnt beleive it happend, it still doesnt hit her there is a scarlett letter burning onto her chest, it wont hit her until its ways over and then it wont matter. she wants to die , to start over. she feels liek she lost.. what a stupid game it was .. how short how pointless and full of negativity. moral to life.... never get caught

im sorry for every one im affectign .. im sorry for the trust im losing im sorry for the play for the governers school for college for peopel who will nwo hate my for my parents , for my dads job ....

game over
nothing left to do but wait...



Anonymous said...

u wouldntve been sorry if u dint get caugth so shit tha fuk up

vi(x)cks said...

ps if you wanna talk shit and tell me to "shit " up ... get your own damn blog and get over it