Monday, December 20, 2004

fuck your mother

ok so i had my guitar recital tonight ... i love these sort of things cuz i get to leave my house and see my freinds ... except im always late ..or just on time so idont get to hang out before hand .. and then the second im done .. off stage whatever im being draged away and not o ill stand off to the sides just hurry up and say your good byes and put your things away so we can leave *polite little motherly smile * hell fuckgin no! its squeeze you ass through the people leaveing to reach into the room where the performers are sayign thier good jobs and omgs where there isnt one parent to grab me by the fucking arm tell me were leavign now and to hurry up and then snarl at me who is that girl your talkign to huggign !?!?!?!?!? um that woudl be tori mom ... " i dont want you talkign to that girl ever!!" *glare and not carign who she is talkign in front of* shes moving mom back off so then i go to put my guitar and she pulls on me to get me out of the door im liek im putting my guitar away ! stoppit .. so im pissed and huffing to the car slamming doors cussing under my breath she slids into her seat .. so you guys were very good tori .. who was that guy .. the blond one .. the tall one in the middle ..... chet mom ... uve met him .. o well his hair is longer and not green ... (big difference ... not ) o and whos the guy with the long curly hair ... uh curtis mr scruggs said his name ... whos he ... uh remeebr that guy i was in love with in the 8th grade... well if your gonna be a bitch about it i wont ask u any more ... fine! ... so then later i tell them who all was in novemebers child and total bytch the whole time i can help it im pissed .. so then we go to get pizza at marisellas.... for those who dont know i cant eat pizza..... good job mom way to fuckgin go! .. so im being secluded and reading my guitar mag ..w hich promptly gets snatched by her ... and she spends the whole time readin it ... then i talk abotu how danes a total fuck and told matt i thought he was hot and i was tryign to tell a story when she freaks out abotu how i let him push my buttons and how i shoudlnt aknowledge his pressence which i used to do but i have to know because my freinds in that class are friends with him .. which iw as trygin to explain but she woudlnt shut up so im freakign out telling her she doesnt listen or care and my dad grabs my head and tells her to leave his tori alone as im get frustrated and cry with my head stuck in his arm sure hesgonna snap my glasses... as my mom laughs cuz she thinks she so fuckgin cute and tells me to toughen up or i wont survive life with gram and my aunt elain .......

jesus fucking christ

fuck her


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its babygirl90 again.. your welcome for the comment. I know how it feels to have everyone spasing out on you, everyone does it to me too. And i know how it is, when your mom just cant find out, i know all this, my mom isnt really strict or protective, but when it comes to stuff like bein pregnant and what not she'd disown me too, and probably kill me, but thats how most parents are. By the way, if you have AIM i have a sn, so if u want it go to my blog and it should say it in my profile. ill let you go. Again your welcome.