Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time to breathe.

Now that I am back from training and said my hellos to most of the people I had to leave a month ago I am coming to the realization that I literally went from a life where I had no time to breathe to one that in comparison makes me feel like I am standing still.
I went from a life where I was working my ass off, never had time to skate and when I wasn't working or skating I was off drinking, watching things, or playing games with Friend. Well now Friend is gone, I am skating almost everyday, am not allowed to drink most hours, and am just waiting around to work. ( getting paid to do so I might add)
This is resulting in a smaller waist line, bigger bank account and attempting to make more friends.
Love it.

So let me ramble about training and all its awesomeness.
Let me start with my teacher was an absolute riot and I dug him to the core! He just made the class a lot of fun. First night there all the girls went room to room to find each other, one girl wanted to go out and had free tickets to this show I would have loved to see but I behaved myself and stayed in, which was for the better because she was gone in 2 days. When she left I ended up haveing to switch roommates which is no fun but the night I was supposed to move the power went out in the hotel so we had to switch. This sucked .. alot. we had a ton of homework to do that night and when we got there I went to strip the comforter off my bed only to find a massive jizz spot.
Not a fan.
We ended up going to the movies one of the nights and saw The Last Exorcism , which in its self wasnt such a great movie but walking around Charlotte at night after wards creeped the shit out of me and I dont get scared. We went to the Epicenter another night , well we went somewhere near it, that night was also not on my list of favorite things either :/ But I did get to hang out with a band and get all dolled up for a bit which is nice.
Some how I aquired the nickname Jody .. or Jodes.
I dont really know how.

Long story short , it was alot of fun, I got to fly a simulator that pilots actually use and learn a lot of things like how to fight a fire and how to do CPR. I loved the girls and will hopefully see them on the line. I am also just very happy to be back in Cville, this really couldnt have worked out better.


oh. and PS, I bout a Ukulele amongst all of this

Saturday, September 04, 2010


Because so very many men are complete tools, this is also noted in why I don't date yuppies, frat boys, musicians, most artists, the overly confident ( it comes off as arrogance, if you want to be worshiped, do it yourself. you don't need me for that)

Because I dont date pot heads.I do not enjoy dating a substance, sorry.

Because I am not doing damage control. I will not clean up after other women, parents, dumb choices etc. Stop putting me in that position, its not cute anymore. In high school being that girl that helped him through such a hard time was cute, but that hard time was when he got grounded for a week for getting a c. I am not certified for the messes I have and am expected to clean up.

Because I have ZERO time at the moment.. I am not even in the same state as my potential dating pool right now, so why the hell try? Also, I fly and I skate and I go out .. this is pretty much my life, the people who are out by the time I get out there tend to fall in the first category. I also am not sure if I want to date some one and have them on my team, but I would love the person I do eventually date to be able to skate with me. And no exceptions, I do not date where I work, end of story.

Most importantly though, I have seen were I am going and what I am capable of,and frankly my standards are just rising ...Unless you are running next to me you have no chance, I am not stopping for anyone.
